

Most of the operators have more than one overload and act differently depending on arguments on stack. Arguments additionaly can be ordered or coerced. Types in Calcscript have priority, from the lowest to highest: number, array, string and block. Ordering takes two arguments from the stack, sorts them according to their priority and places them back on stack. Coercing converts arguments to be of the same type - argument with lower priority will be converted to match the second one.

When converting to boolean value, 0 , [] , '' and {} are considered falsy. Everything else is truthy.


Arguments: 2, coerced

Arguments Result Example
number number Arithmetic addition of arguments 2 3+ 5
array array Array concatenation [1 2][3 4]+ [1 2 3 4]
string string Text concatenation 'test''this'+ 'testthis'
block block Block concatenation 'test'{123}+ {test 123}


Arguments: 2, coerced

Arguments Result Example
number number Arithmetic substraction of arguments 2 3- -1
array array Removes from first array elements that are in second [1 2][3 1]- [1]


Arguments: 2, ordered

Arguments Result Example
number number Arithmetic multiplication of arguments 2 3* 6
array number Creates array that is a multiple copy of original 2[1 2]* [1 2 1 2]
array array Join array using second array as separator [1 2 3][4 5]* [1 4 5 2 4 5 3]
string array Join array using separator [1 2]','* '1,2'
string string Use first string as an array and second as separator 'test'','* 't,e,s,t'
block number Executes block given number of times 2{3}* 3 3 3
block array Fold, reduce array to single value using block [1 2 3 4]{+}* 10


Arguments: 2, ordered

Arguments Result Example
number number Arithmetic division of arguments 2 3/ 0.667
array number Split into groups [1 2 3 2 4]2/ [[1 2][3 2][4]]
array array Split array around matches [1 2 3 2 4][2]/ [[1] [3] [4]]
block array Execute block for each argument in array [1 2 3]{.}/ 1 1 2 2 3 3
block block Unfold, while first block yields true execute second block and gather results into array 0 1 {20<}{.@+} / 13 [1 1 2 3 5 8 13]


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on *

Arguments Result Example
number number Arithmetic modulo of arguments 7 3% 1
array number Take every n-th element from array [1 2 3 4 5]2% [1 3 5]
string string Split string around matches, drop empty elements 't,e,s,t'','% ['t' 'e' 's' 't']
block array Map. Execute block for each argument in array and gather results [1 3 5]{2*}% [2 6 10]


Arguments: 1

How to input: Long click on +

Arguments Result Example
number Get n-th element from stack 1 2 3 4 2$ 2
array Sort array elements [5 3 1 6 2]$ [1 2 3 5 6]
string Sort letters in string 'test'$ 'estt'
block array Sort array using block as mapping [5 3 1 6 2]{-1*}$ [6 5 3 2 1]


Arguments: 1

How to input: Long click on ;

Arguments Result Example
number Create array from 0 to given number 5, [0 1 2 3 4]
array Get length of an array [0 1 2 3 4], 5
block array Filter. Get elements from array that return true when executed by block [0 1 2 3 4]{2%}, [1 3]


Arguments: 1

How to input: Long click on -

Arguments Result Example
number Bitwise negate given number 5~ -6
array Pop array values onto stack [1 2 3]~ 1 2 3
string Evaluate string as script '1 2+'~ 3
block Execute block {1 2+}~ 3


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on .

Arguments Result Example
number number Raise number to given power 2 8? 256
array number Get index of element [1 2 3 4]2? 1
block array Get element that first passes given condition [1 2 3 4]{2%}? 1


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on 7

Arguments Result Example
number number Bitwise OR 2 8| 10
array array Set union [1 2 3][2 4]| [1 2 3 4]


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on 8

Arguments Result Example
number number Bitwise AND 2 8& 0
array array Set intersection [1 2 3][2 4]& [2]


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on 9

Arguments Result Example
number number Bitwise XOR 2 8^ 10
array array Set symmetric difference [1 2 3][3 4]^ [1 2 4]


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on [

Arguments Result Example
number number Compare values 2 8< 1
array number Get first n elements of an array [1 2 3]2< [1 2]
string string Compare values 'test''abc'< 0


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on ]

Arguments Result Example
number number Compare values 2 8> 0
array number Remove first n elements from an array [1 2 3]2> [3]
string string Compare values 'test''abc'> 1


Arguments: 2, ordered

How to input: Long click on =

Arguments Result Example
number number Compare values 2 8= 0
array number Get element of given index, -1 if not found [1 2 3]2= 3
string string Compare values 'test''abc'= 0


Arguments: 1

How to input: Long click on {

Arguments Result Example
number Decrement value 8( 7
array Extract first element from array [1 2 3]( 1[2 3]


Arguments: 1

How to input: Long click on }

Arguments Result Example
number Increment value 8) 9
array Extract last element from array [1 2 3]( 3[1 2]


Arguments: 1

How to input: Long click on

Arguments Result Example
any Convert to string 8` '8'


Arguments: 1

How to input: Long click on :

Arguments Result Example
any Negate value. 0, [], '' and {} will result in 1, otherwise 0 8! 0


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
any Duplicate value on top of the stack [1 2 3]. [1 2 3][1 2 3]


Arguments: 3

How to input: Long click on 0

Arguments Third argument Result Example
any any any Rotate arguments on top of the stack. Extract third argument to the top. 1 2 3@ 2 3 1


Arguments: 2

How to input: Long click on /

Arguments Result Example
any any Swap two arguments on top of the stack. 1 2 3\ 1 3 2


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
any Remove top of the stack. 1 2 3; 1 2


Arguments: 0

Arguments Result Example
(none) Marks position of the stack for slicing. [1 2 3] [1 2 3]


Arguments: 0

Arguments Result Example
(none) Slices stack where it has been marked. [1 2 3] [1 2 3]


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns absolute value of an number. -3abs 3


Arguments: 2

Arguments Result Example
any any Lazy and - returns first argument if it's falsy otherwise returns second. 4 {1.} and 1 1


Arguments: 2

Arguments Result Example
any any Lazy or - returns first argument if it's truthy otherwise returns second. 4 {1.} or 4


Arguments: 2

Arguments Result Example
any any Exclusive or - returns one of the arguments that is truthy. If both are truthy returns 0. 4 {1.} xor 1 0


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
block Executes block, pops a value from the stack, if it's truthy then repeat. 5{1-..}do 4 3 2 1 0 0


Arguments: 3

Arguments Result Example
any any any If first argument is truthy then execute second, otherwise execute third. 5 1 {2 0/}if 1


Arguments: 2

Arguments Result Example
block block Executes first block (condition). If result is truthy then execute second. Repeat. 5{.}{1-.}while 4 3 2 1 0 0


Arguments: 2

Arguments Result Example
block block Executes first block (condition). If result is falsy then execute second. Repeat. 5{.}{1-.}until 5


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a random number from 0 up to (but not including) given number. 5rand 3


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
array Swap array rows with columns. [[1 2][3 4][5 6]]zip [[1 3 5][2 4 6]]


Arguments: 0

Arguments Result Example
(none) Returns a value of π. pi 3.141


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a math sine value for given number. 0.3sin 0.296


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a math cosine value for given number. 0.3cos 0.955


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a math tangent value for given number. 0.3tan 0.309


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns an inverse math sine value for given number. 0.296asin 0.3


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns an inverse math cosine value for given number. 0.3acos 1.266


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns an inverse math tangent value for given number. 0.995atan 0.782


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a math hyperbolic sine value for given number. 0.3sinh 0.304


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a math hyperbolic cosine value for given number. 0.3cos 1.045


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a math hyperbolic tangent value for given number. 0.3tanh 0.291


Arguments: 0

Arguments Result Example
(none) Returns a value of E. e 2.718


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Returns a value of natural logarithm. e ln 1


Arguments: 2

Arguments Result Example
number number Returns a value of logarithm for given number and base. 32 2log 5


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Raises E to a given power. Equivalent of e x?. 2exp 7.389


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
array Returns a sum for all numbers in array. [1 2 3] sum 6


Arguments: 2

Arguments Result Example
number number Convert number to different base. 6 2 base [1 1 0]
array number Interprets an array as a number in given base. [1 1 0] 2 base 6


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Converts a number to a hexadecimal string. 123hex 'x7b'


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Converts a number to a binary string. 123bin 'b1111011'


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
number Converts a number to an octal string. 123oct 'o173'


Arguments: 1

Arguments Result Example
string Converts a string from hexadecimal, binary or octal format to a number. 'xcafe'dec 51966